Yoga Nidra

Are you one of them?
who relaxes by collapsing in an easy chair with a cup of coffee, a
drink or a cigarette
who reads a book or listens to music or watches television after hard
day's work
who habitually bites his nails
who scratches his head
who strokes his chin compulsively
who taps his feet without realizing
who pace about restlessly in your room
who talks compulsively
who displays constant irritability
who takes a day out for his game of golf, the home Gardner, the
knitter or the Sunday painter or even a bathroom singer
Someone who suffers from psychosomatic illnesses like diabetes,
hyper-tension, migraine, asthma, ulcers.
If the answer to any of these is yes, then you should be interested in
knowing that you are fortunate to have landed at the right place.